Saturday, April 25, 2009


Mother Teresa said, "Peace begins with a smile."  
Siddhartha finally found that a smile is the manifestation of nirvana.  
I didn't know Mother Teresa or Siddhartha, but I knew a woman who was a nurse--both by nature and profession, and she spent at least the last 12 years of her life practicing patience, being present, finding beauty in absolutely everything, and trusting in the order of the Universe. Yesterday, I learned that one month ago today, she lost her fight with cancer and died peacefully with a smile on her face.  


jen said...

I like this post. I've read it a couple of times now. It has inspired me to smile more at life.

UnknownSideEffect said...

Good! It makes me smile to come to the page and see Susan's smiling face. She was a truly happy person. One weekend, she broke her ankle while hiking--it got stuck under a small boulder; she was so excited to show me the beautiful bruise. She couldn't believe the depth of purples teals that had formed on her skin. It's good to know people who know how to look on the bright side of even the most dismal situations--this was Susan.