Saturday, September 27, 2008

Laughter for Hard Times...and Grammatical Ramblings That Interrupt My Flow of Thought as I Try to Blog

These are not funny times, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't still find ways to chuckle.  Tonight, while looking for some random thing on the web, I came across CakeWrecks.  Check it out.  I laughed out loud. Of course, maybe this isn't any sort of recommendation given the fact that I'm given to laugh out loud at all sorts of things (usually at inappropriate times).

Other things:  Themes:  Fat.  Somehow I keep catching these documentaries on TLC of the fattest so and sos and their journeys to lipo or gastric bypass or some other such sort of surgery to rid them of such fat.  Amidst all this I came across this website (much more funny--or is it funnier...Single syllable adjectives form their comparitive and superlative by adding "er" or "est". ..funny is a double syllable...I'll have to look that one up...and, btw, it's perfectly okay to end a thought or sentence with a preposition, so stop sweating me for that last thought!)  Skinny Girls Who Have it Out for Fat People.  That, of course is not really the name of the site, but they really do seem to take the piss out of fatness.  

If this banking crisis continues on this same path, we may be able to cure this country's problem with obesity.  People may have to cut back in all sorts of ways.  Maybe we'll re-learn how to grow our own food.  Everyone of us will understand the joy and flavor of home-grown produce.  But if all this doesn't bring you warm fuzzies, rest assured we will always have satire--and if you can't handle hard core dry humor, DON'T click on the following link:  Highly Controversial Satire.


Eric said...
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The Mop said...

If I went back to school to get a degree in economics... My thesis would be "Potato chip sales as a metric for the Depth of an economic downturn- The potato chip Factor"

Of course I would use snack chips, and not just potato chips.

UnknownSideEffect said...

I'm guessing your hypothesis would read something like "During economic downturns there is a direct variation between snack chip sales and the depth of the market recession"?

But I wonder if your results would show that positive correlation to be true only to a point. If the market was in a deep enough slump, people might not have the extra change to purchase snack chips...God forbid that should ever happen in this century!

Anonymous said...

And you think I need to update my blog? Get on with it sister!