Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Misplaced Modifiers

Today, from my "personalized" horoscope, comes an example of a sentence with a misplaced modifier. See if you can spot the error:

You may meet someone who lives far away at a party, and be invited to visit them at a later date.

When you've got it, type a corrected version of the sentence in my comments. You may also include explanations in your comments as to why you agree or disagree with this prediction as one suitable for my personality and lifestyle (please site reasons beyond the scope of the grammatical error).


N. Rob said...

I want to live far away at a party...

As far as this fitting your personality beyond the grammar? Already, because I'm self-absorbed and wanting to live far away at a party :), I cannot remember the full horoscope.

The Mop said...

Rob ruined it... now I'd have to make it a joke!

but wanted to let you know people read your blog and wish you would write more!

UnknownSideEffect said...

Good work kids! And, Mop, I wish I would write more too. Working on it.

jen said...

I didn't know people lived far away at a party.
Wes and I have been watching some University of Iowa courses on how to build great sentences. This horoscope would not pass.

ali rippstein said...

I wish you would write more, too. And visit. I don't care if your modifiers are misplaced. I will throw a party, do I live far enough away?